Tuesday, October 4, 2011

PIH hospital under construction in Mirebalais

This new hospital will have six operating rooms, digital equipment, and classrooms for Haitian medical students where they will be able to see Harvard Medical School classes online.  It is desperately needed as they face the ongoing cholera epidemic. 

PIH hospital plans - Mirebalais

If you are interested in reading more about Partners in Health and Paul Farmer, Tracy Kidder's book, Mountains Beyond Mountains, is a must-read.  It tells the story of its beginnings and paints a vivid picture of life in rural Haiti. 

The photo below I found on PIH's Facebook page.  It's of the aforementioned book floating in the space station where one of the astronauts had brought it to read.

"Beyond mountains! Tracy Kidder's book Mountains Beyond Mountains floats aboard the International Space Station. Astronaut Ron Garan brought the copy up with him on his last mission. The book tells the story of PIH co-founder Paul Farmer, and the founding of PIH" (photo and caption via PIH Facebook page)

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