Thursday, December 9, 2021

hark, what a sound - an advent hymn speaking to all I need

Hark what a sound, and too divine for hearing,
stirs on the earth and trembles in the air!
Is it the thunder of the Lord's appearing?
Is it the music of his people's prayer?

Surely he cometh, and a thousand voices
shout to the saints, and to the deaf are dumb;
surely he cometh, and the earth rejoices,
glad in his coming who hath sworn: I come!

This hath he done, and shall we not adore him?
This shall he do, and can we still despair?
Come, let us quickly fling ourselves before him,
cast at his feet the burden of our care.

Through life and death, through sorrow and through sinning,
he shall suffice me, for he hath sufficed:
Christ is the end, for Christ was the beginning,
Christ the beginning, for the end is Christ.

- F. W. H. Myers (public domain)
Thanks to for the text.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Haitian home remedy for the win

 It's pouring rain in Massachusetts, and I've been down with quite a cold for days. We've been so careful for so long that cold germs have been successfully kept away till now. I suppose it was just a matter of time. 

Let me hasten to say that I did get tested, and it is not COVID-19, nor flu, nor strep. Just a cold. Nevertheless, I have been working from my room. We sisters hold all things in common - no one has private income, and all of our belongings belong to the community. However, the Superior has declared an unequivocal exception for germs, and thus I am doing my best to be stingy with them. 

So here I am in my room on this grey day, looking at the rain and working on this weekend's sermon, and I have received the perfect thing: a cup of strong, hot ginger tea made by one of our sisters from Haiti, up in Massachusetts for our annual Gathering and Chapter meeting. 

I thought I'd share. 

ginger clove tea in an old blue mug that reads "Society of St. Margaret" on a green quilted coaster on a white desk. Behind the mug is a window with a view of green trees and a rainy, grey day

The recipe is very simple: 

  • Boil ginger root and cloves in water.
  • Let them steep for much longer than you think you need to. Stronger is better, especially if you have a sore throat. You can always add hot water to your cup!
  • Best served in your favorite, beat-up well loved mug.
  • Li bon! Enjoy.

Reheats well.