...come into possession of my first straw hat, which Sr. Marie Therese kindly bought for me.
...made around 20 housecalls in the aforementioned hat, since there was much walking in the sun involved.
...been stared at by a good many people.
...chased a giant roach around my room in my nightshirt, spritzing it with Deep Woods Off (which, by the way, it didn't like but by which it was not stopped).
...discovered the limits of my courage: I am not yet up to goat innards in my stew, despite my great desire to be a good guest.
...eaten my first breadfruit (prepared to be rather like little potato pancakes - yum!).
...been asked for a laptop, a motorcycle, and a cigarette.
...helped take care of some second floor flooding in a rainstorm thanks to some plugged roof drains.
...continued to enjoy the company of a very entertaining two-year-old.
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