Thursday, December 3, 2015

Advent music

I'm working on the music for Advent Lessons and Carols at St. John's, Newtonville on Sunday, December 13 at 4PM. I haven't seen it advertised yet, or I'd include the link, but I'm sure it will be posted somewhere soon if you want more information.

Meanwhile, I thought I'd share with you videos of some of the music we'll be doing in case you would like to sing along with me as I practice. It may also be that you, too, would find it a good way to enter into Advent prayer. (We will also be doing an arrangement of the hymn posted here earlier.)

Adam Lay Ybounden (Boris Ord) - King's College Cambridge

Stanley Vann: There is a flow'r sprung of a tree

A song of peace, Charles Villiers Stanford

San Bernardino Advent

We had our Coffee and Conversation this morning at the convent on the topic of Advent. Since I got to play hostess this time, so to speak, I brought an Advent hymn that seemed to me to speak to it: "What is the crying at Jordan?" by Carol Christopher Drake. Now, needless to say, that was neither the only nor the first (or second or third) part of our conversation, but we did eventually get to the context in which we are living our Advent.

I first discovered this hymn at the convent in 2000, I believe, but I remember it most clearly in 2001 in the aftermath of 9/11. The wonder of the Incarnation is clear in the beauty of Christmastide; the wonder of Christ coming to us precisely in times of terror, joining us right here, right now, not when the world is at peace or we are as we should be, produces an even greater awe in me.

And so as I long for peace, for an end to hatred and bloodshed and despair in this world, I share this hymn with you as a prayer.

"Who then shall stir in this darkness, prepare for joy in the winter night?

Emmanuel: God with us.